SEND Five-a-day
Introduction: SEND 5 a day! Meeting the range of needs presented by a class of children is undoubt edly a challenging task. However, research suggests that there are ap proaches which teachers can employ to support learning and improve outcomes for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs. The SEND Code of Practice is explicit about the role of teachers (not SENDCO’s, not TA’s, not external specialist) in improving outcomes for students with SEND. This is in line with evidence showing the signifi cance of effective teachers are more widely; students gain 40% more in their learning from a ‘very effective teacher’ than they do from a ‘poorly performing teacher’ (The Sutton Trust, 2011). For this to work in reality, the advice you give teachers should be advice that teachers can easily factor into their planning, that requires minimal specialist expertise and that costs little expense, either time or of the schools resources. The more needs can be met through adaptations and nuances taken at the universal level, the better. ‘For it to be effective, in clusion has to take up less time, less money and less stress.’ (Alston and Sobel 2021) Hence why we have chosen the SEND 5 a day as an effective starting point.
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