SEND Five-a-day

Simple Model of Memory

Working memory is where conscious, effortful thinking takes place and we use our working memory all of the time. Working memory has a very limited capacity. It can only hold on to around 4 chunks of information at once, and if you bombard working memory with too much information, it can't hold on to it. Working memory becomes overloaded.

The model starts with the environment . There are thousands of things in the environment that you could pay attention too.

Working Memory (site of awareness and thinking)





Long - term memory (factual and


procedural knowledge)

Learning is a change in your long term memory. We easily forget information. Within minutes or hours we will lose the detail of the new information that we've learnt, so we need lots of opportunities to revisit the information, to actively retrieve that information from our long term memory so that we can make that information stick.

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