SEND Five-a-day

Different modes will suit different contexts.



Key Points


Clearly tell the pupils the specified info, what works well when explaining the concept.

- Clear definitions plus example. - Use concrete examples


Work through a process/series, articulating the steps clearly as you go

- Articulate the steps - Share the process out loud


Teacher uses a physical object to show a process or concept

- Draws attention to the most important feature - Share thought process

To be effective teacher explanation must be carefully planned. 1.Identify what pupils need to know and be able to do. “I want my pupils to be able to know….” “I want my pupils to be able to….” 2.Build on prior knowledge 3. Script explanations ( where possible) To get the most out of teacher explanation students need to think hard, teachers should ask questions during the explanations. During the explanation students shouldn’t be passive, They should be thinking about their new learning. Please see the list of videos on teacher explanation. Questioning and Checking for Understanding Questioning and Checking for Understanding is crucial to Explicit Instruction, as it helps the teacher to decide the level of guidance required by pupils and when this can be scaled back. They also help pupils to learn new material with fewer errors, generating high levels of success in both guided and independent work.

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