SEND Five-a-day

In Anita's own words - qNpFtcynI

Explicit Instruction should be used when: Teaching new information.

Teaching novices (vs experts). Teaching struggling learners.

Implementing Explicit Instruction Sharing the learning intentions. Share with the pupils the goal of the lesson and the relevance of the knowledge and skills being taught. Chunking Principle two of Rosenshines “principle of Instruction”( 1986) states that teachers should present new material, including knowledge and skills into small steps. Teacher Explanation aspect of the lesson Teacher is sharing the knowledge with their pupils. Our working memories have a limited capacity, can easily become overloaded. Especially when dealing with unfamiliar content. Good teacher explanation supports pupils to thinjk by: Breaking knowledge down into steps. Highlighting key ideas Building on what pupils already know. 3 modes of delivery when doing the “ teacher explanation of the lesson ”

Explaining Modelling Demonstrating

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