SEND Five-a-day
Flexible Grouping “Warm Up”
Day 1 / Grouping 1
Students line up according to their birth date (month/day) and the teacher divides them into partners Students receive a playing card and for “same suit” trios Students us ethe same playing card (or a new one) to form “like number” squads. Students form “four corners” groups by re porting to the areas of the room that corre sponds to their favourite food: pizza, burg ers, tacos, or smoothies; they subdivide into trios or quads. Students line up in ROY G BIV order accord ing to clothing color. The teacher “folds” the line to give students a partner from the op posite end of the spectrum.
Day 2 / Grouping 2 Day 3 / Grouping 3 Day 4 / Grouping 4
Day 5 / Grouping 5
Planning for flexible grouping isn’t difficult or time - consuming, but it does take some thought. · Should students stay in whole group or work in partners? · Is it better if they read alone or in a trio? · Are groups of four too big or too small for a Jigsaw? · Can students choose their own teams, or should the teacher? · Does skill level matter most for the group task, or interest?
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