SEND Five-a-day
Some further practical strategies for applying metacognition in the classroom Teachers play a vital role in supporting metacognition in the classroom. Strategies might include:
Explicit instruction: Explicitly teach students about metacognition, providing them with examples of metacognitive strategies such as goal - setting, monitoring and self reflection. Metacognitive questioning: Questions such as “What do I already know about this topic?” or “What strategies can I use to solve this problem?” prompt students to engage in reflective thinking and self - assessment. Think - alouds: When teachers verbalise their own thought processes as they solve problems or analyse texts, students are given access to the strategies employed by experts. Reflection activities : Provide prompts for students to reflect on their learning experiences, to identify areas of strength and to set goals for improvement. Peer collaboration: Working with peers not only exposes students to diverse perspectives but also provides opportunities for metacognitive dialogue, where students can articulate their thought processes and learn from each other.
Schools Auditing Toolkit: EEF
7 - SchoolAuditTool_2021 - 10 - 27 - 150642_ztrf_2021 - 10 - 29 - 074724_zdeo.pdf (
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