SEND Five-a-day
Planning: Before a task
Think about what worked previously and what the first step might be, by students asking questions to themselves, such as: · “Is this similar to a previous task?” · “What do I want to achieve?” · “What should I do first?” This can save hours later on and asking yourself questions also kickstarts your brain into searching for answers, meaning more engaged and efficient students.
Monitoring: During a task
Check that you’re staying on track and that what you’ve been doing is working. Students to ask themselves: · “What can I do differently?” · “Who can I ask for help?” Monitoring saves precious time that could otherwise be wasted on ineffective strategies.
Evaluating: After a task
Have a self - debrief, regardless of the outcome. Ideal questions are: “What worked well?” “What could I have done better?” “Can I apply this to other situations?” This helps identify areas to improve, set new goals and develop strategies to use in the future.
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