SEND Five-a-day
If the aim is to embed the ‘Five - a - day’ into teaching practice, that might mean delivering a programme that does something like the following:
Embedding the 5 a day
Embedding Strand 1: Explicit Instruction Build knowledge – Managing cognitive load In Sept, on the INSET you plan a session carefully outlining what Explicit Instruction is, why it is a key priority, and what strategies you want staff to embed. Highlight why this has been chosen: Various audits, QA procedures, staff and student feedback, and student attainment data have all indicated that explicit instruction is an area in need of further development in our school. Explicit Instruction poster Flip book on Explicit instruction with videos to show classroom examples across the trust. Model what this could look like in your classroom with a simple example: done live or through a simple document. Motivating teachers – Presenting information from a credible source Use EEF Teaching and Learning toolkit and Hattie’s to show the effect size of using this approach. Share where you have found your key information on Explicit Instruction: 5 a day approach: Books, blogs etc There is a balance to be achieved when it comes to sharing sources with busy teachers. Presenting credible information can be counterproductive if it is done in a way that isn’t considerate of staff workload. See Flip book that highlights the research for this strategy. Share simple tools
Build knowledge – Managing cognitive load You might deliver a session to all staff in September, carefully outlining the Five - a - day approach. When planning this session, consider what staff know already. Additionally, you may decide not to cover all five approaches in one go, but to take a staggered approach.
Share simple tools Share simple tools: 5 a day poster Practical examples: scaffolding poster
Motivating teachers – Presenting information from a credible source In your INSET session, or via some pre reading if appropriate, show colleagues that there is good evidence underpinning the ‘Five - a - day’ approach. For instance, you could show them the Metacognition and self - regulation page from the EEF’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit, or share a recommendation from the guidance report on the same topic. See Flip book that highlights the research for each strategy.
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